EPT® 出題内容
1. 以下のような簡単な質問を2.3題問われます。(発言内容の審査ではなく発音チェックのための質問です。)
What is your number? 【 → My number is ~ .】
What is the date today? 【 → Today is ( month )(date), (year ).】
2. アルファベットをゆっくりと読み上げます。
3. 短い会話文を読み上げます。
4. 初見の英文(約100ワード強)を30秒間黙読した後、音読します。
5. 課題文を読み上げます。
2025年3月 〜
2025年7月1日 に更新予定です。
① George Armstrong Custer
George Armstrong Custer was an army cavalry officer in the American Civil War and the American Indian Wars. He graduated at the bottom of his class from the famous West Point Military Academy. The Civil War was just beginning, and he joined the army of the North where he quickly distinguished himself as an excellent cavalry soldier. After the war, Custer was sent west to fight the American Indians. He was an overly confident and cocky leader. He led his regiment into battle against a collection of Native American Indian tribes at the Little Bighorn in the Montana Territory. His soldiers were completely massacred in what came to be called “Custer’s Last Stand.” No one survived. The Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument commemorates this battle and is a very interesting place to visit.
(by Dr. Glen Baker) -
② Broadway Musical Auditions
Every year, thousands of actors and vocalists audition for Broadway musicals in New York City. One of the most iconic musicals is "The Phantom of the Opera", which has been running since 1988. Auditions usually start in January and continue until March. To audition, performers must prepare a song and a monologue. Additionally, they are required to present a professional headshot and resume. Each year, about 5,000 individuals audition, but only a few are chosen. Casting directors evaluate talent, stage presence, and unique qualities. The auditions are held at various theaters, including the famous Minskoff Theatre. For the 2024 season, auditions were held from January 15th to March 15th. Many aspired to make their mark on Broadway, but it took hard work and dedication to succeed.
③ Jungle Expedition
As they journeyed deeper into the jungle, they faced challenges such as steep cliffs, wild animals, and strange plants. Despite these problems, they stayed determined to explore. Along their way, they discovered hidden caves filled with sparkling crystals and rare flowers never seen before. Excitedly, they collected samples to study later. Suddenly, they came across a clearing where they found ancient ruins, covered with mysterious symbols. Among the ruins, they uncovered artifacts from hundreds of years ago. Their discovery made the explorers very excited, and they eagerly wrote down their findings, amazed by the secrets the jungle held. Little did they know, their adventure was just beginning. As night fell, they set up camp, their minds buzzing with excitement for what the next day would bring.
EPT® basic 出題例
- 1)What’s your number?
- 2)What’s the date today?
- 3)Read the alphabet aloud. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
4)Read the minimal pairs aloud.(15 pairs)
(1) wrong – long (2) map – mop (3) win – wing
(4) hard – heard (5) shell – sell (6) been – bean
(7) age – edge (8) fear – hear (9) couch – coach
(10) work – walk (11) pull – pool (12) very – berry
(13) said – sad (14) learn – lean (15) path – pass -
5)Read the words aloud.(15 words)
(1) Japan (2) themselves (3) Tuesday (4) February (5) hungry
(6) manager (7) delicious (8) theme (9) yellow (10) 1:40
(11) excuse (12) regular (13) voice (14) leisure (15) chicken -
6) Read the conversation aloud.
A: I’m home!
B: Hey, how was your day?
A: It was great, I ran into John during lunch.
B: Oh, you did? I haven’t seen John in a long time!
How is he doing?
A: He is doing well. He just moved into a new apartment in Boston! -
7) Read the phrases aloud. (10 phrases)
(1) in the morning (2) by the way (3) looks good
(4) open your heart (5) make an appointment
(6) beautiful flowers (7) pretty woman
(8) a phone call (9) heavy rain and strong wind
(10)sightseeing tour